Halo Infinite hackers are already ruining matches in beta

Jaret Kappelman
Halo Infinite hackers are already ruining matches in beta

Halo Infinite is only in its multiplayer beta stage, but that hasn’t stopped hackers from running wild as they’re already ruining ranked matches.

Halo Infinite will be released on December 8, but the multiplayer beta went live on November 15 and is free for everyone.

Players can hop into a game and all of their progress earned during the beta will carry over to the full release. However, you may need to keep an eye out as hackers are already appearing in games.

While 343 Industries promised to have an anti-cheat to prevent this from being a problem it seems cheaters are already ruining the fun for others.

Spartan running through Halo Infinite map
Halo Infinite is only in the beta but is already seeing hackers in the game.

Halo Infinite already has hackers in beta

Players have been grinding the new game, leveling up the Battle Pass, and trying to hit Onyx in ranked.

With the game being cross-platform players can match up against anyone and this is causing some issues as hackers are starting to ruin matches.

This Twitter clip from ‘DougisRaw’ showcases the streamer taking a look back at his previous match. He noticed something was a bit fishy with an enemy and to no surprise, they were a blatant cheater.

It starts by the hacker perfectly tracking enemies through the wall and continuing to shoot them even after they have jumped behind cover.

After watching more, Doug is mindblown as he gets pre-naded and peaked when the enemy has no information on his location. He screamed in disbelief, “Are you even going to hide it!” as this hacker was as blatant as they come.

(For mobile viewers the topic starts at 3:48)

In an interview, 343 Industries have stated that there will be an anti-cheat in Halo Infinite “When you’re making a competitive game and it’s on PC you need anti-cheat.” The exact details on that system are unknown but they did claim that this will not invade the privacy of players.

If the anti-cheat works anything like Warzone’s RICOCHET plans to then this shouldn’t be a problem in Halo. However, despite it just being the beta, the devs may want to keep a close eye on the cheating situation so it doesn’t get out of hand.