Helldivers 2 devs confirm heavy armored enemies are getting nerfed

Brianna Reeves
helldivers 2 heavy enemies

In response to feedback about the health and spawn rates of heavy-armored enemies, Helldivers 2 developers promise the team is working on balance tweaks.

One of the biggest critiques leveled against Helldivers 2 is that its heavy armored foes pose too great of a challenge. Specifically, the likes of Hulks and Chargers have an overabundance of health that the game arguably lacks the proper weapons and stratagems to manage.

Player feedback regularly calls out the excessive spawn rates of these enemy types, too. Fortunately, the crew behind the experience has kept a close eye on such discourse.

According to an Arrowhead developer, the team plans to address the complaints and demands for nerfs with future adjustments.

Helldivers 2 devs will better balance heavy-armored enemies

Reddit user mmstayler shared a screenshot of a developer message from the official Helldivers 2 Discord community. In the game’s “announcements” channel, one team member told fans that Arrowhead is aware of concerns regarding “enemy spawns, enemy armor, and the ability to kill these enemies.”

As a result, there are plans to tweak the experience, so players feel like they have a fair chance against Helldivers’ heavily armored foes. The developer explained in part,

“I can confirm that we’re currently looking at changes to the spawn rates and health pools of heavy enemies, and will be attempting to spread them out more to prevent large spikes of tougher mobs appearing at the same time, as well as making them a bit easier to bring down…”

These changes to Helldivers 2’s heavy enemies should go live in a future hotfix, the message continued. However, the crew hasn’t nailed down a specific release date as of yet.

Players are eager to see these planned adjustments take effect, especially since some fights now seem harder than normal.

In response to the above Reddit post, one Helldivers player claimed, “Last night charges were spawning in pairs. I think they broke something in the back end with the patch. Playing on [difficulty] 6 felt like 8.” Several others chimed in to agree.

Of course, other replies cheered on the confirmed Helldivers 2 tweaks. One popular comment read, “Thank you sweet liberty thats all I want. I’m ok with the breaker and the rail gun being nerfed if I don’t have to face 7 titans at once.”

For many, this now much-coveted update can’t launch soon enough.