Kingdom Hearts 4 released its first track and players are mesmerized

Cassidy Stephenson
kingdom hearts 4 sora

Fans can now listen to the first official track, “Reality in the Dark,” from Kingdom Hearts IV as part of the Disney and Square Enix crossover franchise’s 20th-anniversary vinyl collection.

Announced in April 2022, Square Enix unveiled Kingdom Hearts’ fourth installment during the series’ 20th-anniversary celebration stream. The colossal reveal completely shocked viewers as Kingdom Hearts III was released 14 years after its predecessor.

Despite the reveal trailer being from nearly a year ago, fans have received little information. But the game’s first official track has now been released and players are loving it.

Fans thank YouTuber for posting first Kingdom Hearts IV track

A screenshot from Kingdom Hearts 4

On YouTube, UmbraMuninn posted Reality in the Dark, which appeared on KH IV’s reveal trailer on top of sound effects and dialogue. UmbraMuninn obtained the music from Kingdom Hearts’ 20th-anniversary vinyl collection. On the celebratory product, Square Enix listed Reality in the Dark in the bonus track section as a preview for the fourth installment’s soundtrack.

Prolific composer Yoko Shimomura wrote the Kingdom Hearts IV piece. Shimomura previously worked on video games like Street Fighter 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles. She performed Reality in the Dark during showings of Kingdom Hearts Concert – Second Breath.

Many fans eagerly awaiting Kingdom Hearts IV’s unannounced release date reacted to the sneak peek of the game’s music in the comments of the YouTube video.

KeybladeBrett wrote, “If this is indicative of the entire KH4 OST, this game might have the perfect soundtrack.”

“Our girl Yoko Shimomura casually dropping another banger with melancholic motif,” Saxjon added.

AR Hobbies remarked, “The last part of the song really has a Star Wars vibe in it.”

Previously, viewers speculated that KH4’s reveal trailer subtly hinted at the Star Wars setting of Endor and an AT-ST. The planet first appeared in 1983’s Return of the Jedi.

In 2012, Disney acquired the Star Wars property in a $10 billion deal with George Lucas. Due to the sheer volume of Disney’s owned franchises, Kingdom Hearts fans wonder if Star Wars or even Marvel characters could emerge in the next installment.