Doublelift hits out at “lazy” LCS players who don’t practice enough

Lawrence Scotti
doublelift league of legends purple

Twitch streamer and former LoL-pro Yiliang ‘Doublelift’ Peng called out LCS players who aren’t utilizing Champions Queue to practice and improve.

Riot Games were praised when they announced Champions Queue, a new alternative to solo queue exclusively for pro players with a massive prize pool up for grabs.

Evil Geniuses’ jojopyun claimed first place of the inaugural split for CQ, bringing home $12,000 in the process.

While Champions Queue has been popular with some top players, Doublelift pointed out the shocking amount of players who have ignored playing it entirely.

Doublelift calls out LCS players for not practicing

Doublelift Worlds 2020
Doublelift retired after World 2020 and is now a full-time streamer.

The 28-year-old streamer was live on March 26 when he was stunned to see Dignitas’ LCS squad averaged merely four games of Champions Queue matches over the previous week.

“I don’t know what’s going on. What are they doing?! I’ve been a pro player for 10 years, I know what people can do after scrimmages to improve. You can watch replays, 1 v 1 or 2 v 2, and play solo queue. That’s it. What are they doing after scrims? They are probably just relaxing, and hanging out with friends.”

Doublelift also echoed sentiments from Golden Guardians’ support Olleh, a huge proponent of Champions Queue, who called calling LCS players “lazy.”

“I think what’s interesting about Olleh’s post is that in Eastern countries, there’s no excuses. You just play. Like, you just f**kin’ play. It’s a no-brainer. It doesn’t matter if you’re feeling like s**t.”

Time starts 4:38

The former TSM player has been streaming a ton of Champions Queue matches and said, “I’m having so much fun playing it and it’s a shame to me that some players kind of refuse to play it.”

He also pointed out how the players who have the most matches in Champions Queue are some of the best players in the League, like Team Liquid’s CoreJJ.

He finished his rant against LCS players and said, “The people who practice a lot are usually good. There is a correlation between practicing and getting better.”