Jankos explains why G2 Esports went 0-2 in the LEC

Kamil Malinowski

G2 Esports’ star Jungler Marcin ‘Jankos’ Jankowski explained what went wrong in one of the worst LEC weeks ever for the team. 

The legendary G2 team is widely considered to be one of the best in the world and have rarely looked challenged in 2020’s first LEC split.

However, things couldn’t have gone worse in week 4 as the League of Legends squad found themselves losing to both Misfits and Schalke 04 – teams that shouldn’t have been much of a threat to the 2019 World Championship finalists.

Few would have expected the team that made it to the Worlds finals to lose to both Schalke and Misfits.

Jankos spoke about G2’s poor week during his stream on Feb 16, explaining key reasons behind their losses.

“We didn’t lose hard, we did lose, but we didn’t lose hard” he began before really diving into the issues. “Both games we absolutely sucked… [in the early game], but after that, we played very well from behind.”

The early game wasn’t the only problem, as the Polish player cited team fighting compositions to be very strong in the current Meta, as well as pointing to their draft.

“Team fights in this Meta are very strong and I think in both games we had a very weird comp.”

He then tore into their opponents, before quickly taking back his words and putting the blame on the early game once again, although, it does seem like G2 were not impressed with the way they lost.

“Misfits was a free win, there was no way they could win this game. Even playing against Misfits felt like they were so f**cking [bad] – like they were not so great, but we were worse.”

He pointed to the same issues against Schalke and it is something the European giants will surely fix very quickly.

Fans will be expecting G2 to bounce back next week as they take on Excel Esports and MAD Lions – two teams that currently find themselves in the middle of the pack in the LEC standings.