LoL players captivated by Shaco’s thighs in new Soul Fighter skin: “Why is he so thick?”

Jeremy Gan
Shaco's Soul Fighter prestige skin

League of Legends players have been captivated by Shaco’s new Soul Fighter skin, though perhaps now as the devs at Riot Games intended. Fans have been left wondering why the champion has suddenly become so thick.

Patch 13.14 of League of Legends has hit the servers and with it came many new additions to the game. From Naafiri making her debut on the Rift, to Arena now being playable, along with a plethora of champion balance adjustments, there’s plenty to wrap your head around.

Included in the mix is a new Soul Fighter event with all new skins for a range of popular characters including the likes of Sett, Samira, and newly arrived Naafiri. 

However, one champion that received the Soul Fighter skin treatment caught fire online more than others, though not how you may have imagined. Players have been wowed by the newest appearance of Shaco, namely due to his thighs. No, we’re not joking. It’s gone so far Riot themselves have even addressed the thickness.

In a viral tweet by the official LoL Twitter account showing off the new skins, players took focus on Shaco’s Prestige Soul Fighter skin, particularly the splash art’s thighs. With many captivated by just how “thick” the new design really is. 

“Why is he so thick?” a player hilariously asked in the comments of the tweet. “I can’t believe they gave us manw***e Shaco,” another said in a quote tweet

“I’m gonna feel so sl**ty running this skin every game,” one player said in the comments. And another jokingly added, “he’s got perfect birthing hips.” 

There were so many comments regarding Prestige Soul Fighter Shaco’s thighs that the League of Legends Twitter account felt inclined to address the attention head-on before long.

“Please stop asking me why his thighs are like that. I do now know. I just tweet,” the social media manager replied on July 19.

To which the illustrator behind Soul Fighter Gwen, Riot Fortuneee, cheekily responded, “on the splash [art] team we call it player value.”