Mikyx reflects on G2’s 2021 season: “Not the best year”

Ben Mock

G2 support Mihael “Mikyx” Mehle reflected on his team’s 2021 LEC season in an interview with KORIZON Esports released on September 5. Having missed out on Worlds, Mikyx summarized 2021 as “not the best year”.

After G2 missed out on a place at Worlds 2021 for the first time since 2016, long-time support Mihael “Mikyx” Mehle sat down with KORIZON Esport’s Ashley Kang to discuss the 2021 season.

The 22-year-old Slovenian, who has played with G2 since November 2018, shared his opinions on the 2021 season. On multiple occasions during the interview, Mikyx referred to G2’s 2021 season as the “worst”.

Mikyx with G2
G2 failed to reach the Grand Final in either split in 2021

Disappointed with 2021 performance

“Results-wise, 2021 was a really bad year, probably the worst one because of the expectations,” Mikyx told Kang.

Expectations were high for G2 entering 2021. They had reached the semifinals at Worlds 2020 before losing to eventual champions DWG. And though they lost long-time midlaner Luka “Perkz” Perković to the LCS, they gained LEC legend Rekkles to bolster a roster considered one of the best in Europe.

G2 won the Spring split regular season with a 14-4 record but finished third in the playoffs after losing to MAD Lions and Rogue. “I played very well in the Spring split regular season, I think,” Mikyx said during the interview. “But in the playoffs, not so well”.

Mikyx, whose Spring KDA dropped from 3.7 in the regular season to 2.1 in the playoffs, claimed that the organization’s decision to begin contract discussions prior to the playoffs was a major factor in the team’s performance.

The team finished second in the Summer split but lost to MAD Lions in their first playoff match. G2 then lost 3-2 to Fnatic in third round of the losers’ bracket to officially miss out on Worlds. Compounding the disappointment of missing Worlds was Riot Games’ announcement that the tournament was being relocated to Europe.

“If there was any year that I didn’t make Worlds, it would be this year with Corona and stuff, because of the quarantining and the travel restrictions,” he said.

“But then they announced Worlds Europe and I was just…,” Mikyx added, before trailing off and making a pained expression.

Read More: League Worlds 2021 reportedly set for Iceland after shift from China to Europe

G2 will be looking for answers entering the 2021 offseason, but when asked if the team had lost the ‘clutch factor’, Mikyx had a very definitive answer.

“Yeah, probably,” he said. “In games, we never really take chances or opportunities that we could, and we don’t really look for them actively…I think it comes to the mindset of how you play the game or how much risk you want to take.”