Wild Rift closed beta adds six new League champions to mobile clone

Andrew Amos

League of Legends: Wild Rift’s closed beta is finally here. To celebrate the occasion, Riot has added not one, but six popular League champions from the roster into the mobile clone ahead of the test starting on September 16 in select regions.

Not every League of Legends champion is available in Wild Rift off the bat. In fact, in the regional alpha in June, only 36 champions were available. However, ahead of the game’s closed beta, that number will be bumped up to 42.

Riot is adding six new champions as part of the League of Legends: Wild Rift closed beta, which launches on September 16 in select regions.

Varus in Wild Rift
Varus is one of six champions being added to Wild Rift in the closed beta.

Riot revealed Amumu, Dr. Mundo, Jarvan IV, Singed, Sona, and Varus as the next six League champions to be ported to the mobile clone, in an announcement on September 15.

These six champions make a lot of sense to be ported over to the mobile game. For starters, most of them aren’t incredibly mechanically intensive. They don’t have button-mashing combos that could be difficult to execute on a phone.

All champions like Singed and Dr. Mundo need to do is run at their enemies. Varus might have a few skillshots in his arsenal, but nothing hard. They also fill some holes in the champion roster, which was lacking tankier champions, as well as supports, which Sona fills nicely.

However, they might work slightly differently to how you experience them on Summoner’s Rift currently in League of Legends. Some “purely passive abilities” will have more exciting interactions to make for “memorable, galaxy-brain, heart-racing outplays.”

“[We wanted to] keep the feel of the champion intact, while also giving [players] more control and agency over how they play,” design lead Brain ‘Feralpony’ Feeney told players back in March.


Riot revealed there are, obviously, many more champions still in development. After all, League has 151 with the release of Samira on Patch 10.19. However, whether they’ll add some new ones throughout the beta test remains to be seen.

Curious about how you can get your hands on the Wild Rift closed beta? It’s only available in select regions for now, but you can find out all the info right here.

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About The Author

Hailing from Perth, Andrew was formerly Dexerto's Australian Managing Editor. They love telling stories across all games and esports, but they have a soft spot for League of Legends and Rainbow Six. Oh, and they're also fascinated by the rise of VTubers.