Best Overwatch 2 DPS tier list: Most popular characters for Season 10

Josh Tyler
OW2 DPS Tier List

Overwatch 2’s meta is constantly changing, and when it comes to the DPS line, there’s a lot of Heroes to choose from. So we’ve put together the ultimate Overwatch 2 DPS tier list for Season 10.

Whether you’re a newbie, a casual player, or a seasoned veteran, this list is the ultimate guide to dominating the battlefield. So, let’s dive into our list of top-notch Overwatch 2 DPS heroes.

Based on the data available via Overbuff and how we’ve felt the meta play out, here is how different DPS heroes stack up to each other.


S Tier


Overwatch 2 Tracer in Pride Midtown map

Tracer’s usage surged with Season 9’s changes, and coming into Season 10, it shows no signs of stopping. Tracer still is a great mobile hero that can easily harras backlines, is deadly in dive comps, and overall a must pick to mark a enemy Tracer.


Overwatch 2 Sombra rework unveiled

Sombra has also massively benefitted from the changes in Season 9, and once again, hasn’t changed coming into Season 10. Her ability to pick off targets and cause nuisance for your backline already sees her as one of the most valuable DPS’ to play.


Sojourn in OW2
Sojourn is one of the strongest heroes in the hands of a capable player.

Unlike Tracer and Sombra, Sojourn doesn’t have the capability to take out targets from the back. However, she is one of the most potent DPS heroes available and is capable of thriving in a meta that is so damage-heavy.

A Tier

Soldier 76

soldier 76 pose in overwatch 2

Soldier 76 is similar to Sojourn, playing as a front-to-back DPS who deals good levels of damage. Alongside the benefits of the new DPS passive, Soldier 76’s projectiles became easier to land.


A screenshot featuring Ashe in Overwatch 2.

Ashe has also become a stronger pick thanks to the DPS passive. With her good levels of poke, Ashe is decent at slowly poking out heroes over time and even getting the occasional pick. Bob is still an excellent ultimate who can devastate teams if placed correctly as well.


OW2 Widowmaker

Widowmaker is considerably stronger in Season 9 thanks to the increased projective size of her sniper rifle. With it, she’s able to reliably land headshots if her aim is good enough, making her already potent damage even higher.


A screenshot featuring Venture from Overwatch 2.

Arriving in Season 10, Venture feels right at home in the dive/brawl meta we see ourselves in. Although not as fast mobility-wise as other heroes, Venture still is a very potent DPS when it comes to eliminating squishies.

B Tier


Pharah in Overwatch 2

Pharah’s rework set her on a decent path that lets her act more as a solo hero in Season 9. She didn’t benefit much from the DPS passive, but her increased mobility and agency let good players really shine on the flying hero.


Overwatch 2 Torbjorn

Torbjorn has always been a bit of a niche character in Overwatch 2. Even in Season 9 Torbjorn has been resistant to much of the changes around him. He’s still a good anti-dive character, which is decent in this meta, but a lot of his kit leaves things to be desired.


Mei in Overwatch 2

Like Torbjorn, Mei is resistant to much of the change around her. Much of her kit is still exactly the same, but she’s not performing quite as well in Season 9. Especially when there are so many better options available.


OW2 Cassidy

Cassidy isn’t quite the strongest option in Season 9. With his damage drop-off being somewhat high, he isn’t able to take out enemies from the long-range that Ashe and Widowmaker can. His magnetic grenade is still a great option for hindering opponents, but he isn’t as strong as the other DPS.


overwatch 2 bastion redesign

Bastion is still an alright option in Season 9. Both his forms do great damage and his grenade is decent at dealing a burst of damage when needed. But he lacks the mobility that allows them to survive in this meta.


ow2 hanzo arrow hitbox

Hanzo is in general terms just a weaker version of Widowmaker. Without the capability to one-shot heroes in the mid-range, his kit just ends up being not super useful in the current meta.

C Tier


Echo has remained near the bottom of the DPS heroes for quite some time now. The flying hero is rather niche and requires a fairly skilled player to pilot correctly. Because of this, the investment into learning may be better spent elsewhere.


overwatch 2 symmetra win header image
Symmetra just has far too low of an impact, even in Season 9.

Symmetra will always be one of the oddballs in Overwatch 2. Her primary fire is incredibly low range, with her clunky turrets and ultimate just making her a far less desirable character among the DPS roster.

D tier


Junkrat in Overwatch 2
Junkrat is just not the pick at the moment, and will likely not be for quite some time.

Easily the hero who suffered the most with the hero HP changes was Junkrat. Without his potential one-shot combo with his mines, he has quickly become one of the worst heroes in the game. Even before the changes, he was relatively weak, making him a pretty bad option to play. However, you can still pull off Junkrat, if you’re a dedicated one-trick that is.