10 hilarious Overwatch memes that would even make Widowmaker laugh

Lauren Bergin
Best OW Memes

Fancy a laugh? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled the 10 best Overwatch memes that are so funny, they would make even the infamous Widowmaker crack a smile.

If there’s one thing that Overwatch fans love, it’s a good meme. Blizzard’s flagship FPS has birthed thousands of hilarious scenarios that are pretty easy to transform into cheeky images.

In the wake of 2021’s disappointing Archives event, we saw a plethora of hilarious memes dominate community pages everywhere. So, we’ve decided to compile 10 of the best Overwatch memes out there.

Without further ado, let’s get down to some seriously shameless memery.

1. It’s high noooon

mccree ow

Specifically McCree’s PeaceKeeper. Just makes the job easier doesn’t it?

2. Genji go brrrr

genji ow

Well, turns out he doesn’t. More like Genji go splat.

3. Lucio Hawk

10 best ow memes

Pro Wallrider coming soon, to a console near you.

4. Fancy a baguette?

widowmaker ow

I hear those Widow’s Kiss cakes are to die for. Overwatch memes served up.

5. Can’t catch me!

spongebob dva

Haha. You missed. Sort of.

6. “…Hola”

sombra ow meme

Boops, I did it again.

7. Reinhardt also go brrrr


And just like Genji, he also go splat.

8. A conspiracy…


You trust Sombra? She’s from Talon. She’s clearly lying. Pigeons are obviously drones,

9. Karen Mercy in the building


Karen Mercy is back and she’s looking for answers.

10. “I need healing!”

genji A phrase that haunts the dreams of Mercy players everywhere…

So that’s it for our top 10 Overwatch memes! Whether you laughed, cried or both, it’s pretty clear that the community has some pretty impressive talent. Now, you have plenty to send to your friends in the WhatsApp chat or Discord server.

Have you got any more you’d like to see added to this list? Send them to us on our dedicated Facebook pages (PoTGWatch and Overwatch Cavalry). If they’re good enough, you never know, we could turn this into a Best 15.