Improve your Overwatch play with these key movement tips

Joe O'Brien

Overwatch YouTuber and community lead for the Canadian Overwatch World Cup team KarQ has produced a series of useful tips and tricks for Overwatch movement.

As in any competitive game, in Overwatch as the skill level of matches increases the difference between success and failure comes down to smaller and smaller margins. If you’re looking to improve, then, it’s important to get the most value out of every aspect of the game.

In many cases, utilizing the right movement trick at the right time can very much be the difference between staying alive and dying, securing a kill and not, or even winning and losing the entire game.

KarQ’s first two tips focus on the way players’ movement can be used to either counter or harness the momentum of enemy knock-back effects. The former can be key in avoiding environmental deaths against the likes of Lúcio, while the latter can be used to help escape a dive, for example.

Perhaps the most versatile tip, however, relates to how characters carry momentum. By taking advantage of that momentum a variety of tricks are possible on multiple heroes, from simply adding distance to a jump to being able to take new routes or reach new places.

For some heroes, such as Mercy or Doomfist, maximizing your movement abilities with tricks like these aren’t just helpful, but are outright necessary once you venture into the higher ranks, so aspiring competitive players should definitely put some time into mastering them.