London Spitfire Has Moved Four of its Players to “Inactive” Status

Joe O'Brien

The London Spitfire has moved four members of its eleven-man roster to “inactive” status.

The team has announced that Support Jo ‘HaGoPeun’ Hyeon-woo, Flex Seong ‘WooHyaL’ Seung-hyun, DPS Lee ‘Hooreg’ Dong-eun, and Tank Hwang ‘TiZi’ Jang-hyeon have all been designated inactive, and will remain so until the end of Season One.

The move comes after a disappointing Stage 3, which saw the team miss out on the stage playoffs for the first time despite the expansion to include the top four teams, and a rough opening week to Stage 4 in which London lost both of its matches.

Most analysts have remained firm on the claim that London Spitfire has the talent to be the best team in the league, even as they have struggled to execute on that potential. The only time the Spitfire seem to have really hit their ceiling was at the end of Stage 1, when they won the stage playoffs.

One of the primary concerns raised about the Spitfire has been their roster strategy. Where other teams have found success in consistency, London has routinely swapped players in and out of the starting line-up, with the reasoning behind such decisions obscure at best from an outsider’s perspective.

As the league draws to a close and the Spitfire have to be prepared for the $1.7 million play-offs – and perhaps even fight to secure a place in them, as with how close the standings are they could yet miss out if they have a weak stage – it seems the team has finally opted to settle on a consistent starting roster to develop.

That line-up will feature Hong ‘Gesture’ Jae-hui as main tank, Kim ‘Fury’ Jun-ho as flex tank, and Park ‘Profit’ Jun-young and Kim ‘Birdring’ Ji-hyeok as the DPS duo permanently. The only room for substitution left in the team is at Support, though it’s highly likely that flex support Choi ‘Bdosin’ Seung-tae will remain a permanent fixture, while main supports Kim ‘NUS’ Jong-seok and Jung ‘Closer’ Won-sik could be rotated as the team wishes.

The move represents not only a selection largely consistent with what many analysts wished to see, but also a move back to the formula that ultimately won them the Stage 1 title.