Overwatch 2 login issues prevent Blizzard staff from playing the game

Lawrence Scotti
overwatch 2 soldier 76

Overwatch 2 login issuers were so bad on launch day that even an ex-Blizzard community manager couldn’t get access to his account.

Overwatch 2’s launch to an unexpected turn for the worse when a DDoS attack made the game unplayable for a large part of its opening day.

Beyond that, a handful of changes for the game’s sequel including mandatory SMS protection on Battle.net accounts made one too many hoops to jump through in order to play on release day, even for former Blizzard employees.

Overwatch 2 Junker Queen
Junker Queen arrived on the roster at the release of Overwatch 2.

Ex-Blizzard employee can’t log into Overwatch 2

Former community manager at Blizzard Daniel Smith bashed the company on Overwatch 2’s launch day.

Smith said, “Nothing quite like Blizzard red-taping all current and former employees out of being able to play OW2.”

For Overwatch 2, Blizzard has demanded players link their phone numbers to their accounts. This has left those, even OW fans who used to work for the company, out of luck if they don’t have a US number they can properly link.


Smith clarified that his login issues were not caused by the DDoS attack but by how Blizzard’s new SMS protection works on each account. In order to access his Blizzard employee benefits, his accounts needed a proper North American phone number.

He said, “Need to add a phone number, has to match region, and had to be NA to receive employee benefits, can’t switch without forfeiting $200 USD in Battle.net credit.”

It seems like both Blizzard and non-Blizzard employees had a tough time playing Overwatch 2 on its launch day.