Overwatch 2 players confused by “hilariously imbalanced” Starwatch hero choices

Andrew Highton
overwatch 2 starwatch event art

The new Overwatch 2 Starwatch event has given players a cool space-themed event to get stuck into, but players feel it’s being tarnished by “wack” Hero choices and sketchy AI.

Every now and then, Blizzard concocts a fun event for Overwatch 2 players to enjoy. For Valentine’s, fans of the game got to experience the romance of the Loverwatch event. Now, the Hero shooter features a new event – Starwatch.

It’s fairly easy to surmise that the event is inspired by the Star Wars universe. The recent release of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and Star Wars Day was probably a great help, but now, an indirect nod is available in Starwatch.

The game mode features 4v4, attack versus defense action with pre-selected Heroes to choose from. According to fans though, the teams are “imbalanced” and the mode is nothing more than a “cool concept”.

Starwatch event is “just sad a mode” claim Overwatch 2 players

On the attacking side of things, players can choose from the likes of Wrecking Ball, Winston, and Lucio. Whereas the defending team has Mercy, Bastion, Soldier 76, and other powerful Heroes.

Reddit user HeihachiHayashida claimed that “Starwatch is hilariously imbalanced,” and gave their explanation: “I don’t know how they picked the Heroes on each side. But why would they think to have the rebels have Winston or Ball with a feeding AI Doomfist into a Mercy-boosted Bastion? Plus, turrets and those Zarya gravs everywhere.”

“The Hero picks are just wack. Bap[tiste] or Lucio to heal a Winston/[Wrecking] Ball and Doom[fist]? Feels like they picked the skins first and made the teams based on what the artists’ skin ideas look like, with the game mode existing to sell the skins. Concept is cool and different though, I’m not a Star Wars/space opera genre fan, but I can see why people would really like this,” said one player.

One key detail mentioned in the post above is the AI Doomfist. The attacking team has an AI-controlled Doomfist alongside them, but complaints have been leveled toward its intelligence.

“A feeding AI Doomfist, which is more of a hindrance than a team member. Seriously the AI doesn’t really use cover/walls/angles, he walks out in the open which means in the Diamond range where I’m playing Bonebreaker is insta-dead most of the time and gives the enemy tons of free ult charge. I don’t mind testing PVE features, but in PVP an AI ally on a character that is already easy to throw on is just not it,” said another Reddit post.

‘Feeding’ in the Overwatch world refers to an effectual player/Hero that the other team can exploit for easy Ultimate charge. Meaning, the AI of the Doomfist isn’t good, and players are deliberately targeting him for easy Ultimates.

One player summed up the whole experience: “It’s not just the hero choices and AI Doomfist that suck, every aspect of the game mode that diverges from normal overwatch gameplay is just straight up bad, it feels like they didn’t play test it all.”

There are still some miles left on the clock for the Overwatch 2 Starwatch event. The devs may decide to tweak the gameplay formula between now and its conclusion. They will also need to look at the Doomfist feedback, especially given how the Hero has been affected by a recent patch.