Overwatch 2 players debate the most respected damage hero in the game

Theo Burman
bastion in overwatch 2

Dying is never fun in any game, but when the ways you can die are as broad as it is in Overwatch 2, not all of them are going to be born equal.

With a roster the size of Overwatch’s, some heroes are always going to be more annoying to die to than others. We’ve already seen constant complaints about one-shots from characters like Widowmaker and Hanzo, which are some of the more frustrating ones to die to.

But are there any heroes who the community actually respects, and are any of them in the Damage role? After all, they’re the role most likely to be picking up kills.

One player curious about the community’s thoughts on the most respected Damage hero took to the forums to debate the issue.

Hitscan heroes emerge as most respected Overwatch 2 heroes

Bizarrely, the top nominee for the most respected Damage hero was Zenyatta. We’re going to ignore this.

After that, one of the most mentioned heroes was Tracer, who’s always had a reputation for having a very high skill ceiling. One player put it nicely: “There’s nothing that feels cheap about dying to her because you know a good Tracer is all skill.”

There were also several hitscan heroes mentioned as other respected Damage characters, such as Ashe and Cassidy, because “they rely entirely on player accuracy and skill, but can’t get cheap one shots the way Widow and Hanzo can.

“If they’re constantly hitting their shots and getting dynamite/grenades off on me, they deserve the kill. It’s very rare that I’m frustrated by a good Cass or Ashe, since they have some good counters as well.”

It seems like the consistent theme here is that the other person has to have put in the hours and skill to get the kill in order to be “respectable”.

For more news and updates on Overwatch 2, check out the Diablo crossover that will make Moira look a lot like Lilith in a new skin.