Overwatch 2 players debate who the most ‘boring’ hero to play is

Rory Teale
overwatch 2 players

Blizzard brought the new sun-toting warrior Illari to the battlefield in their Season 6 Invasion update, and some players have noticed how boring she’s made old heroes seem.

New heroes usually build on aspects from previous characters, or respond to roles that haven’t been filled yet.

Ramattra was Blizzard’s attempt at a “tempo tank”, where he uses he an alternate selection of ‘nemesis’ abilities that allow him to engage in close-combat fights.

Echo added more complexity and angles to fights, taking the aerial prowess of Pharah and using extra damage capabilities with her ‘focusing beam’ ability and alternate fire option.

The newest hero Illari boasts the damage primary-fire of baptise. But she also has the capability of more versatile aid to her team through her healing beam and Symmetra-esque ‘Healing Turret’.

With all these characters to choose from, some of the original cast have fallen behind, which prompted a debate about which of the other heroes are “boring”.

Overwatch 2 players decide which heroes are “just…eh”

One Redditor ensued debate on the most boring character to play in Overwatch in a post. He himself thought that the obvious option was Orisa. Nothing in her kit struck him as ‘fun or exciting’.

However, he did admit that using her ultimate to push other players off the map was an ‘exception’ to her kit, even if it was a niche use for her abilities.

Soldier 76 emerged as a hot topic for the most boring character as well. One player joked that ‘in a game full of abilities you’re gonna pick a guy that runs?”, and that he is “boring as f**k.’

Although, some others enjoyed the hit-scan hero’s loyalty to the core aspects of FPS games. Damage mains noted that “I like playing him because aiming is fun for me”, and stated: “Nothing is more fun than beaming people.”

Support players overwhelmingly responded with Mercy – “I just don’t understand how people can play her for hours”. But, Redditors were quick to add that “she’s fun because of her evasiveness.”

The unique sniper hero Widow, who’s always been a controversial hero due to her one-shot potential, also made an appearance in the debate. Some players found snipers in the fast-paced competitive shooter to be “super boring.”

Overwatch has recently swarmed headlines as players hit the game with negative reviews on steam.