Overwatch artist designs incredible Marine Zarya skin that’s out of this world

Bill Cooney
Zarya Alien skin idea design concept

One artist and Overwatch fan has managed to come up with a clever mix of their favorite game and the classic ’80s Sci-Fi Horror flick Aliens with a fantastic skin design for Zarya.

Overwatch has had a slew of new skins lately with a new OWL MVP skin for Echo, and two new skins in quick succession for Roadhog (SF Shock and Pachimari), but still, fans continue to bring their own awesome ideas to life.

Finnish game developer and artist Mikko Kautto came out with his own original design for Zarya around the same time all these new OWL skins were dropping, and his idea takes Zarya and puts her right in the classic ’80s movie Aliens as one of the main characters.

Alien Isolation
Thankfully, Kautto didn’t turn Zarya into a Xenomorph. As if she needed any more reasons to be scary.

The 1986 movie Aliens involves a crew of soldiers called Colonial Marines who get in over their heads as they find themselves in the middle of a Xenomorph nest.

One of those soldiers is named Vasquez, who is still remembered fondly by fans of the series for her tough attitude and almost comically oversized weapon, which is very similar to Zarya’s Particle Cannon.

Whether the similarity of their weapons was what inspired Kautto we can’t say, but Zarya does look ready to do battle in the bleak future with his Vasquez-inspired skin.

Along with the character’s trademark red bandana, Zarya’s decked out in Colonial Marine armor that will be familiar to any fan of the Alien series. Her weapon also seems like it would be completely at home melting Xenos instead of enemy shields.

Man-eating alien or not, we’d think twice about taking on this Zarya.

The Aliens’ infamous acid blood, much like Torbjorn’s Molten Core, would just provide the Russian tank more and more charge to melt them with, as any Overwatch player who’s gone up against a half-decent Zarya will tell you.

This is definitely a fun skin to think about, but the chances of Blizzard doing a crossover with Alien, like Fortnite did, are pretty slim. That’s not to say that we don’t have more new skins to look forward to, though.

Overwatch’s Archives event should get going sometime in early April, and while there might not be a brand-new PvE mission, we’re sure to get a bunch of new cosmetics. Shortly after that, in May, is Anniversary and even more new content, so hopefully you’ve already started saving your hard-earned coins.