Overwatch player makes an insane prediction play to save a team-mate

Joe O'Brien

An Overwatch player made an incredible prediction play to save their Support from almost certain death.

Unliked was playing as Reindhardt on the defensive side of Volskaya industries when they heard the “fire in the hole” line that warns of approaching doom for squishy heroes.

Reinhardt’s ability to protect his team-mates is usually predicated on holding a shield between them and the enemy. In some cases, a well-timed charge can also be life-saving. In this case, however, Unliked was a significant distance and a level of elevation removed from his vulnerable team-mate.

Fortunately for the Ana in question, Unliked pulled off a remarkable play to stop the Riptire in its tracks. Identifying its location and inevitable target with a quick spin, the Reinhardt’s only option was to send a fire strike to intercept.

Fortunately for Ana, Unliked judged the timing and trajectory perfectly, eliminating the Junkrat ultimate mere milliseconds before it would have assassinated the support sniper.

via Gfycat

Though the fight for the point had already been won by the time Unliked made this epic play, it still may have been crucial to the game.

The defensive spawn is a very long way away from point A, especially for a hero with no movement abilities, so the team would very likely have been playing without one of their supports when the next assault arrived had Reinhardt not pulled off an incredible save.