The Latest Overwatch Hero Wrecking Ball Is Now Live

Joe O'Brien

The latest Overwatch hero, Wrecking Ball, is now available on the live servers.

Wrecking ball is the 28 hero in the game, and the 7 to be added since its original release in May of 2016.

Though technically named Wrecking Ball, the new hero has more commonly been referred to as Hammond, the name of the genetically-enhanced hamster that pilots the “Wrecking Ball” mech.

Hammond was first referenced with the release of the Horizon Lunar Colony map, when it was revealed that he had been a subject there alongside Winston. Several direct references made it clear that Blizzard had plans for Hammond, but most fans always assumed that, like Winston, he had been a primate of some sort.

Hammond’s story goes that when Horizon fell to the gorilla uprising, he was able to catch a lift with an unknowing Winston by attaching his own pod to Winston’s rocket. The two vessels became detached upon reaching Earth, and Hammond found himself in the Australian outback, making his way to Junkertown.

There, Hammond built a battle-mech to take part in the Scrapyard battle arena, in which he became champion under the name Wrecking Ball.

After four weeks on the Overwatch PTR, Wrecking Ball is now available in the live servers.