Embarassing mistake by enemy team helps charge Overwatch Streamer’s ultimate

Bill Cooney

Ultimates are game-defining moments in Overwatch, and they’re made even better when you force the enemy team to make mistakes, like Daniel ‘dafran’ Francesca did in this clip where he makes the enemy Reinhardt kill his fellow Lucio by mistake.

Attacking on Nepal’s Village map, dafran swoops into the point and deposits his pulse bomb onto the enemy Reinahardt’s shield.

This confuses the Reinhardt, who starts swinging around wildly with his shield, not sure of where the explosive device was planted.

Eventually, the bomb goes off and takes the enemy Lucio with it, as the Reinhardt apparently swung his shield too close to the froggy DJ and that was that.

The Reinhardt survived, though probably not for much longer as dafran’s team appears to be pushing the point pretty hard.

Dafran’s status for the upcoming Overwatch League season is still up in the air, it was reported earlier that he had joined a team, but the streamer later denied that he had on stream.

Whether or not Dafran is joining the Overwatch League probably won’t be known until either he or any team he signs to makes the announcement before the start of Season Two.