Can you get Shiny Xerneas & Shiny Yveltal in Pokemon Go?

Philip Trahan
pokemon xerneas and yveltal header

Pokemon Go players can soon expect to see Gen 6’s Legendaries Xerneas and Yveltal appearing much more thanks to the Pokemon Go thanks to their 5-star Raids — but will you find a Shiny? Let’s find out.

Fans of the Generation 6 titles of Pokemon Go will likely recognize the version mascots of Xerneas and Yyveltal.

Now that the third Gen 6 Legendary, Zygarde, recently made its debut in Pokemon Go during the Blaze New Trails event, it seems Niantic has also decided to briefly make Xerneas and Yveltal a bit easier to encounter too.

With Xerneas and Yveltal’s reappearance in 5-star Raids from August 16, 2023, until August 23, some players may be wondering if they can encounter Shiny versions of the Gen 6 Legendaries. Before you get stuck in with these raids, here’s a straightforward answer.

Xerneas Pokemon
Xerneas is the Legendary mascot for Pokemon X version.

Are Shiny Xerneas and Yveltal in Pokemon Go?

The good news is yes, both Xerneas and Yveltal have a chance to appear as Shiny Pokemon during their 5-star Raid events.

Additionally, Legendary Raid bosses have a slightly better chance of being encountered as a Shiny compared to the run-of-the-mill wild Pokemon many players encounter.

Yveltal Raid
Yveltal is the Legendary mascot for Pokemon Y version.

Of course, it’s still going to take a good bit of luck and some skill to actually defeat these Legendary Pokemon in their 5-star Raid events. Thankfully, we have a handy Raid guide for both Xerneas and Yveltal, which goes over their weaknesses, best counters, and their usefulness in PvP and PvE content.

So there you have it! That’s everything you need to know about whether or not Xerneas and Yveltal can be Shiny in Pokemon Go! Check out some more Pokemon Go guides below:

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