Niantic solves Pokemon Go’s most annoying Item issue but there’s a catch

Alan Bernal
pokemon go water

Niantic is slowly rolling out a new Pokemon Go feature that lets players open Gifts, even when their Bags are at its Item limit – but there’s a catch.

Going on walks and frequent adventures can net people a fair few items a night. Very quickly, people may find their Bags full of items, leaving them to delete some stuff to make room or cough up 200 Coins to get 50 extra slots.

It’s been an on-going problem for many who casually play the game and find themselves strapped for options going forward.

Niantic must have heard the calls since they’ve introduced a new feature people can toggle for some added leeway to clear their Gifts.

There are some Pokemon Go players with a new option that lets them get Stardust from Gifts, should they have a Bag that’s at its limits.

While there are those who already have the feature, some players said they haven’t received it on their end yet. It could be a little while before everyone sees it on their end.

How to open Pokemon Go Gifts with a Bag full of items?

To check if you have the feature, simply go to the Settings tab and find it a couple options down from ‘Adventure Sync’ you should be able to see ‘Open Gifts when Item Bag is full.’

When you go to open a Gift, the game will still give you the option of opening it or going into your bag to manage (delete) items instead.

People see that the game will give you only 50 Stardust for your troubles. Regularly you can unpack a couple hundred Stardust per Gift, so there’s quite a trade-off in doing so.

It’s not ideal, but it will let Pokemon Go players clear out Gifts and get something for their troubles if they desperately don’t want to delete items.