Pokemon Go player shocked after being called “suspicious” while playing

Dylan Horetski
Pokemon Go first walk

A Pokemon Go trainer has taken to Reddit with a story of a man calling them “suspicious” while playing the game that left them rather shocked.

Since its launch in 2016, Pokemon Go has maintained popularity with fans of the franchise of all ages with many traveling around their whole town to catch the latest creature.

Not everyone is a fan of people driving around their neighborhood, however, with many trainers sharing stories about encounters with angry residents and even the police.

Yet another PoGo trainer has taken to Reddit to share their story of a man confronting them, and the whole interaction left the player a bit shocked.

Player gets confronted, told not to return

Posted on the Pokemon Go subreddit, user Decentice shared their story about being confronted while playing around the neighborhood across from theirs.

“I figured you all would be the best people to ask about this situation, as I’m sure some of you have dealt with it before,” they said.

The user went on to explain that Pokemon Go “doesn’t exist” in their neighborhood and it has led them to playing in the neighborhood across from theirs as it has multiple gyms, pokestops, etc.

They added: “Fast forward to today, I had one of the people who live in the neighborhood walk up to my car and accuse me of being suspicious (multiple times), which I completely understand. I told him what I was playing, and that I was only here collecting stuff in the game, and that I live across the street.

“He then proceeded to tell me that “that game is from years ago, no one plays” and continued on and on about how suspicious I am. He then told me to leave and not come back. I plan to continue doing my daily route there.”

Shortly after their story was posted, more PoGo trainers took to the comments to share their thoughts.

“As long as you don’t enter private property, you’re fine. Nobody owns the street,” one user said.

Another user commented: “It’s none of his business, plain and simple. You explained what you were doing, even though it was none of his business, and it’s on him for being ignorant. Keep playing, you’re doing absolutely nothing wrong!”

“You did nothing wrong. So many people act like their neighborhood is some kind of holy ground that only they and the neighbors can be in,” replied a third.

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