Pokemon Go players claim despawn glitch ruined Deino Community Day

Zackerie Fairfax

Many players were excited about June’s Community Day event, but a glitch causing Deino to disappear ruined the day for a large group of Pokemon Go fans.

Pokemon Go fans have struggled to enjoy the last few events Niantic has hosted. With the exception of Adventure Week, events have left players disappointed due to shortened times, glitches, and infrequent Shiny appearances.

Deino Community Day, while still a victim of changes made in March, had players excited to encounter a plethora of Shiny Pokemon. Sadly, this event was hampered by a frustrating bug.

This spawn glitch was present during Pokemon Go Fest 2022, and it was a major complaint from players. While it hadn’t been an issue since Go Fest, it veered its head once again during June’s Community Day.

Deino Community Day extended, but requires you to finish raids
Deino Community Day took place on June 25, 2022 from 11 AM to 2 PM local time.


Community Day ruined by spawn bug

Reddit user p33k4y posted a screen recording of their game during the event. Three Deino had spawned nearby, and the player tapped on each one only for them to disappear.

Niantic noted during Go Fest that this was a visual error. The Pokemon on-screen linger after they’d already despawned. Players are seeing a mirage or the ghost of a Pokemon that isn’t actually there.

According to the post, this known issue has yet to be fixed. And from the comments, it seems this was a widespread issue affecting players from different parts of the globe.

“Fun community day in Tokyo with lots of app crashes, prolonged login issues, “maintenance” screens, Professor Willow briefly showing up instead of Rhi — and even the infamous “visual bug” from Go Fest made an appearance today,” stated p33k4y. “One has to wonder what’s going on at Niantic.”

However, while the normal Community Day only lasted three hours, players could play together for an additional three hours to make more Deino appear. But issues arose when players encountered Zweilous (Deino’s evolved form) that can’t appear shiny.

A Reddit post from MarsNeedsFreedomToo theorized Niantic will likely continue to saturate spawns with Pokemon that can’t appear shiny to stop them from “degrading the game.”