Pokemon Go players share hilarious accidental purchases after fan buys 30 fat Pikachu stickers

Alec Mullins
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One fan’s Pokemon Go mishap has unleashed a wave of funny anecdotes and stories about in-game purchases from the community.

Microtransactions have become an unavoidable part of the gaming experience over the last decade, but that doesn’t mean we’ve improved at navigating through them in that time.

There are endless waves of stories about fans buying the wrong things in-game, or having one too many drinks and not realizing the kind of money they were spending. Even when titles such as Pokemon Go also have a “confirm purchase” screen, sometimes it’s just not enough to stop us from accidentally buying things.

That’s what happened to one user on the Pokemon Go Reddit, who accidentally spent his coins on 30 stickers of a portly Pikachu.

In-app mishaps from around the community

Thankfully this wasn’t a very expensive mistake, as the 30 stickers cost less than a dollar in total, but that doesn’t make the situation any less funny.

There were plenty of people suggesting ways to solve the problem – ranging from keeping the stickers and putting them to good use, all the way to submitting a ticket to Niantic and hoping for a refund, but there were also a few people who couldn’t wrap their heads around wanting to return the stickers at all.

“There is no going back on the fat Pikachu sticker cult,” one user said.

However, if subxwoofer does want to return the stickers, it seems like there’s a good chance they will get the coins back.

Several commenters have shared their stories and Niantic seems pretty forgiving about these kinds of mistakes.

While you might think that accidental purchases shouldn’t be a huge issue for the game, there is a shocking amount of similar stories coming from the community. One user said they spent $99 on Pokecoins before realizing what had happened.

It didn’t stop there either. There are several more accounts of people, both sober and intoxicated, getting carried away while browsing the store.

One user said, “I was drunk in my bed a few nights ago and accidentally bought a set of stickers at the same that I dropped my phone on my face.”

That’s a real double whammy of a situation.  Let’s hope that people in the future can learn to keep a better eye on what they’re buying than we have.