Pokemon trainer’s baby gets to pick first starter for their birthday

Terry Oh
Pokemon baby starter

In an adorable video uploaded on September 26, a toddler is tasked with choosing a starter for their very first Pokemon adventure. 

Picking your first starter is something most Pokemon fans remember. Whether it was Charmander three decades back in the Kanto region, or Sobble in Sword & Shield, these cute companions have left an impact on the hearts of fans around the world. 

Since every generation of Pokemon has three starters, it’s become a strong bonding point which allows other Pokemon fans to connect with one another.

Whether it is to disagree on which starter is the best, or to reminisce the choices made years ago, picking a starter has become an iconic tradition within the Pokemon community – a tradition one family decided to practice with their one year old child.

Picking a first Pokemon Starter takes a surprising turn

On September 26, a family celebrated their toddler’s first birthday. During the birthday party, they allowed her to choose her very first Pokemon starter, putting out dolls of Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle for her to pick between. 

She quickly waddles on over to the dolls, excited for the presents. But when she arrives in front of them, the toddler’s pacing slows down. The rest of the family can be heard in the background, shouting in support of their personal favorites.

Her eyes glance over the floor, closely examining the three Pokemon laid out in front of her. 

After a second, she steps all over Squirtle, knocking the poor Water-type over. Then she brushes Charmander aside, grabbing onto what she deems the best of the three: Bulbasaur. 

Not every Reddit user agrees with the choice in starters. Many still believe Charmander to be the best.

Despite the controversy of starters, Reddit users came together to celebrate the occasion.  

“You’ve got a bright future ahead of you, kid,” said one Reddit user, clearly approving of the starter choice.

Many of the users commend her choice, and love the fact she completely stepped all over Squirtle and Charmander.

“Finally a child that kicked Charmander out and picked Bulbasaur. They better raise him fine,” one user commented.