Kitchen Nightmares: The darker relationship issue at play for Love Bites’ demise

Stephanie Harper
Chris and Tess from Love Bites Cafe.

Is it possible Love Bites Cafe would still have a chance at success if there weren’t so many relationship issues happening behind the scenes between the owners?

Fans of Kitchen Nightmares can agree that watching the Love Bites Cafe episode was pretty rough.

Social media users are banding together to discuss how cringeworthy it was watching a restaurant owner named Chris consistently go off on his fiance, Tess.

Gordon Ramsay did his best to intervene by creating a more diplomatic and peaceful environment. Still, it’s clear that relationship issues were at play when it came to the demise of Love Bites Cafe.

The relationship issues at Love Bites Cafe were serious

It’s been revealed now that Love Bites Cafe is no longer up and running in Saugerties, New York. It was initially launched by childhood sweethearts who crossed paths for the first time at the age of 12.

They reconnected a decade later and opened the restaurant as a couple. When the Kitchen Nightmares camera crew came along to film Gordon’s experience there, several heartbreaking moments were captured.

Chris’s treatment of Tess was out of control throughout the majority of the episode. A Reddit thread has been created to discuss everything that went down.

One person wrote, “Omg this man is making me so angry. She needs to leave him.” Someone else added, “Owning a restaurant together seems more of a commitment than marriage, she needs to get out of there since it seems to have gotten abusive.”

A third person chimed into the conversation to say, “He’s shown her who he is when things get hard – a verbally abusive a**. He’s shown her how he handles major life choices – unilaterally and dumps responsibility on her and then abuses her for it.”

Love-Bites-CafeChris and Tess from Love Bites Cafe.

Before the episode came to an end, Gordon was sure to set Chris up with a therapist to discuss Chris’s mental health issues and anger problems.

We know that Love Bites Cafe has closed its doors, but according to Freshers Live, the status of Chris and Tess’s relationship is still a mystery for now.