GimR apologizes after failing to stream promised ‘meta-changing’ Smash Ultimate tech

Michael Gwilliam
GimR revealing new Smash tech

Popular Smash Ultimate streamer and tournament organizer GimR has responded after he failed to reveal his new ‘meta-changing’ tech resulting in a wave of backlash.

On April 24, GimR first announced that he would be revealing a brand new Smash Ultimate tech on Twitch a few weeks later on May 4.

In a series of tweets, the TO hyped up the tech, claiming that it would “benefit” every fighter in the game, thus making it universal and not just apply to a select few characters. As such, the Smash community waited with anticipation.

Despite May 4th coming and thousands tuning into GimR’s stream prepared to see this meta-shift in action, fans instead were stuck waiting for the stream to begin and all they got was a waiting screen.

GimR apologizes for Smash stream and promises tech is coming

After an hour, the stream ended with GimR never showing up, leading to some players, such as HungryBox, beginning to voice concerns.

Eventually, GimR explained what had happened on Twitter, claiming he was “not okay.”

“I had a technical issue today when I was ironing out the final kinks of my presentation. I hyped this thing up so much and felt so much pressure that I made the wrong decision to try and put it back together with literally no time,” he revealed.

“I felt so much pressure that I made the wrong decision to try and put it back together with literally no time. It got to the point where I put the wait screen live on my laptop and kept pushing myself until I finally accepted it. I’m really sorry for letting y’all down.”

However, GimR insisted that the tech is “awesome” and asked those he showed it to in private to keep it a secret and give him time.

The Smash community, while upset, was understanding with top player MKLeo urging him to put his health first.

We’ll have to wait and see what this new tech really will be and if it will end up being able to live up to the hype, especially after already being delayed once.