How to watch Smash Ultimate DLC fighter 7 reveal

Tanner Pierce
Smash Ultimate new fighter

Finally, after months of silence, Nintendo has confirmed that the reveal of the next Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC fighter will be coming on October 1. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming livestream.

Earlier this year, Min Min from Arms was confirmed as the latest Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter. While it wasn’t exactly the most exciting news for longtime fans of the series, it was still interesting nonetheless as it was a brand new fighter.

Now, fans have been waiting months to hear about the next fighter. Rumors about who’s going to be added are running rampant, with everyone from Pokemon’s Mew to Overwatch’s Tracer being thrown around as possible candidates. Now that we know exactly when the reveal is coming, we won’t have to speculate or listen to unverified rumors for much longer.

Smash Fighter DLC reveal time

According to Nintendo, the reveal of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC Fighter 7 is coming tomorrow, October 1, 2020. You can find a full breakdown of the exact times below, depending on your time zone.

  • 7 AM PT
  • 10 AM ET
  • 3 PM BST
  • 11 PM JST
  • 12 AM AEST (October 2, 2020)

Fortunately, the presentation itself is going to be relatively short, only 3 minutes long with a message from Masahiro Sakurai himself. That means that you won’t have to set aside too much of your day in order to watch it, if you so desire.

Unfortunately, that also means that we probably won’t get too much of a deep dive into the fighter themselves, only getting the actual reveal and a few ancillary details.

How to watch Smash Ultimate DLC reveal

The reveal itself is set to take place on YouTube, which you can find linked below. Currently, it’s unknown whether or not the reveal will be streamed anywhere else, however, given the fact that Nintendo also has their own Twitch account, it wouldn’t be surprising if it premieres there too.

Overall, it’ll be interesting to see who gets revealed tomorrow. Will it be just another Nintendo character or are we in for a special third-party crossover? Who knows.