Starfield player’s ship just abandons them on alien world: “Ain’t no way”

Patrick Dane
ship in starfield cut scene

A Starfield player has posted a hilarious clip of their ship abandoning them on a planet, leaving them stranded. 

Starfield is here and players are finally able to explore the massive universe that Bethesda has built. There is a lot to do and explore, and a lot of trouble for you and your companions to get into. 

In order to get out there into that galaxy, you’re going to need a spaceship to taxi you around. The game has a robust ship creator, so you really can make that starfarer you’ve always dreamed of. 

However, as one player found out, sometimes messing around with your ship can have dire, unintended, and hilarious consequences in-game.

Watch out when making adjustments to the ship

In a Reddit thread, user evaTK3, shared a video of their ship abandoning them. This happens immediately after they finish making changes to their ship which seems to have triggered something, making it take off. 

They joked later down in the thread: “POV: you’re a tesla owner who did not pay $10.99 a month to start your car”.

Other users were joking that an AI added to the ship made it run away the second it was installed. One user stated: “Shouldn’t have installed such an advanced A.I. module.” Another joked: “Vasco going for a joy-ride with his new AI GF”.

Starfield, being as big and complex as it is, is definitely going to have bugs. Many of Bethesda’s other RPGs are famous for their bugginess and it seems their latest still has a couple of issues to work out. Still, when they are as funny as this, they really can add to the experience, rather than take away.