Twin Flames Universe leaders branded “idiots” after denying they’re a cult

Daisy Phillipson
Jeff and Shaleia Divine, leaders of the Twin Flame Universe

Jeff and Shaleia Divine, the leaders of the Twin Flames Universe, have been branded “idiots” after they responded to allegations claiming they’re a cult. 

Escaping Twin Flames, a Netflix documentary that arrived earlier this month, examines the Twin Flames Universe, a group started by married couple Jeff and Shaleia. They claim to have spiritual powers that enable them the power to detect a person’s soulmate, but their services don’t come cheap, with the still-active group charging $8,888 for its “Everything Package” of online classes, guided meditations, and videos. 

As stated by Netflix, the series looks at “the nightmarish stories of manipulation and coercion within the organization, including exclusive access to former members who recount how they were encouraged to stalk the supposed objects of their affection and manipulate their gender identities.” 

With thousands of people slamming the group online and accusing it of being a cult, Jeff and Shaleia have since responded – and it hasn’t gone down too well. 

Twin Flames Universe leaders deny they’re a cult

In a statement shared with Unilad, Twin Flames Universe said: “Those who enter our community and become students are treated with love, acceptance, and support. This will never change, and we continue to love those who have moved on and wish only the best for those who ultimately decide to follow their journey elsewhere.”

Relating to the allegations that they use control and coercion in the same manner as a cult, they said: “We take seriously recent allegations implying we wield inappropriate control over our community members. After a careful review of both media coverage and recent productions, we are saddened that so much effort has gone into taking swipes at an organization and community founded on love and mutual respect.

“The allegations levied against Twin Flames Universe not only distort our true aims, methods, and curriculums but also misrepresent the autonomy of our community members, who are free to engage with our resources as they see fit. We are committed to confronting these allegations in an open and accountable manner.”

Their statement finishes: “Our unwavering commitment is to maintain a secure, respectful, and uplifting space for anyone who wishes to join or engage with our community.”

In Netflix’s docu-series, another statement from the group’s site was shared, which reads: “TFU denies allegations that it is a cult, that it improperly profits off students, that it encourages stalking, or that it separates students from their families. 

“Twin Flames Universe denies that their system for partnering students is false and fraudulent. TFU further denies forcing some students to change their gender identities. TFU maintains that the group is a safe and tolerant place for all members of the LGBTQ+ community.”

But the online community doesn’t appear to see it that way, with one replying to Unilad’s post stating: “100% a cult. And when challenged you can see how the dude gets when people call him out.” Another said, “Don’t drink the Kool-Aid, folks,” while a third described them as “idiots.”

Over on X/Twitter, one wrote: “Jeff and Shaleia Ayan are cult leaders and MLM frauds.” After watching Escaping Twin Flames, another said: “Jeff and Shaleia Divine are two of the most evil f*cked up cult leaders of all time.”

Escaping Twin Flames is available to stream on Netflix now. You can read more about it here, and check out our other documentaries coverage below:

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