House of the Dragon fans point out a major VFX mistake in latest episode

Josh Tyler
House of the Dragon has a VFX issue

Fans of HBO’s new hit House of the Dragon have pointed out a prominent VFX issue in the shows latest episode.

Although the show has gotten massive acclaim for its writing, direction, and acting, House of the Dragon has also been a marvel when it comes to the effects and settings.

In the age of dragons, fans have gaped at how impressive the beasts have been rendered in hyper-realistic visual effects.

But even a show as massive in scale and budget as House of the Dragons can have some cracks in its armor, as some fans discovered when watching the third episode.

Where is the VFX mistake in House of the Dragon episode 3?

In the show’s third episode, fans pointed out that Viserys Targaryen (Harry Lloyd) is prominently wearing a green screen glove.

The glove was ostensible to allow the VFX team to edit out Viserys’s missing fingers, but the fact that the glove was left in the shot is a stumble for a VFX team that’s already done incredible work.

Indeed, many fans in the replies commented on the irony that they were able to create those massive, detailed dragons but still make such a seemingly basic error.

House of the Dragon’s predecessor, Game of Thrones, also famously made production errors – particularly in the final season.

That is where the infamous Starbucks cup was found in the background of a shot in Westeros, which had fans up in arms over the continuity error.

Ironically, the House of the Dragon showrunners made light of this error before the show aired, promising that there would be Starbucks cups scattered in episodes as Easter eggs.

Unfortunately, only three episodes into the show, they already have a snafu of their own.