Kevin Smith explains why he’ll never make a Marvel or Star Wars movie

Cameron Frew
A photo of Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith loves Marvel and Star Wars – but don’t expect him to ever make a movie for either franchise.

The Clerks director is a well-documented admirer of comic books and pop culture. In 1996, Smith famously worked on the first script for Superman Lives before Tim Burton took over. He gave Stan Lee a cameo in Mallrats, and included several references to Star Wars in his other movies.

He’s written and published a number of comics, including but not limited to issues of The Green Hornet, Batman, and an eight-issue arc of Daredevil titled “Guardian Devil.”

However, his love for the genre doesn’t mean he’s keen on making his own Marvel or Star Wars movie – in Smith’s own words, it’s a “fool’s errand.”

Kevin Smith on why he wouldn’t direct a Marvel or Star Wars movie

As part of an interview with The Guardian, Smith was asked by a fan whether he’d consider joining the MCU or directing a Star Wars movie – and his response was fairly conclusive.

“No. It’s a fool’s errand – you’re going to piss somebody off. Fandom is rabid and tribal. When I worked on Masters of the Universe, I took a lot of heat from people who felt like I had ruined their childhood.

“Going near a Marvel or a Star Wars would make me insanely reticent. They’ve got a billion people to make those movies, but nobody’s making Kevin Smith movies, so I might as well make them.”

Smith produced Masters of the Universe: Revelations for Netflix in 2021. The show was a spiritual sequel to the original animated series, and while he’s set to return for the follow-up – titled Revolution – he’s been vocal about some of the responses from fans.

“I know there’s some people that are like, ‘Hey, man, this show’s woke,’. I’m like, all right, great, then so was the original cartoon we’re f**king sequel-izing. Go watch it again. There are girls in every episode. Deal with it,” he told Variety.

“It’s been interesting, seeing who truly is a hardcore fan. Because anybody that’s like, ‘Oh, man, there’s not enough He-Man’ or something like that, doesn’t understand the show that we based it on.

“There were episodes where he lost the sword and he never became He-Man. It wasn’t like He-Man always saved the day. His friends helped him. That was the f**king point of the show.”