Margot Robbie gives exciting update on Pirates of the Caribbean reboot

Emma Soteriou
Margot Robbie Harley Quinn

Margot Robbie has said the Pirates of the Caribbean reboot will include ‘a lot of girl power’ in an update on the movie’s progress.

It’s been three years since the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie, starring the likes of Johnny Depp, Javier Bardem, and Kaya Scodelario.

However, the franchise is in need of a fresh take now more than ever, and luckily, there are already talks underway for a soft reboot, taking on a female lead.

Margot Robbie is expected to feature in the movie, once again joining forces with Birds of Prey writer Christina Hodson.

margot robbie at san diego comic con
Margot Robbie would take over in the franchise

What will happen in the reboot?

Though she is remaining tight-lipped about what’s in store for the Pirates of the Caribbean reboot, Margot Robbie has spoken briefly about plans for the movie and where it is in development.

In an interview with Collider, Robbie said fans could expect ‘a lot of girl power’.

“It’s too early to talk about it but I love Christina, obviously. I’m not a producer on Pirates, so I’ll sit back and kind of wait for the process…” she continued. “We’re really, really excited at the prospect of adding a key female element to that world.”

Robbie had previously been asked about it during the Happy Sad Confused podcast too, where she added that it was still ‘early days’.

If writer Christina Hodson’s previous work is anything to go by, especially Birds of Prey, the soft reboot will inevitably be action-packed and have some strong women at the forefront of it, as opposed to the typical ‘damsel in distress’.

That being said, fans are also calling for Johnny Depp’s return to his famous Captain Jack Sparrow role, after he was recently asked to resign from Fantastic Beasts 3 due to losing a court case.

It’s unknown if he will appear in a sixth movie, but news of what’s in store for the female-led reboot is definitely exciting for fans of the franchise, hopefully giving a whole new angle to the story. It’ll certainly be worth the wait when the time finally comes for its release.