The Crown head researcher pushes back on claims series “misleads” audience

Kayla Harrington
The Crown Diana

The head researcher for Netflix’s The Crown recently pushed back against the claims that the series “misleads” its fans.

It’s safe to say that Netflix‘s The Crown is one of the most-watched series on the platform since it premiered in 2016.

The series chronicles the life of Queen Elizabeth II from the 1940s to modern times which includes the complicated interpersonal connections within the Royal Family.

After six seasons, The Crown is coming to an end as Part One premiered in November and the second and final part premiering in December. However, the show has gotten a lot of flack about its “misleading” historical inaccuracies, which the head researcher has pushed back on.

The Crown researcher defends “misleading” accusations

After the show premiered its first trailer for Season 5, they added a disclaimer where they called the show “fictional dramatization.”

This came after the show received harsh criticism from Dame Judi Dench who accused the series of [being] willing to blur the lines between historical accuracy and crude sensationalism.”

However, The Crown’s head researcher, Annie Sulzberger, thinks the warning is unneeded as she told The Hollywood Reporter, “I simply think that the audience is smarter than that. We’ve never pitched ourselves as a documentary. We’re trying to show this country, these institutions, these people in a way that humanizes them and that gives us a little insight into our own culture. I don’t think it’s been misleading in the slightest.”

Sulzberger continued stating, “The closer to the history that we’ve lived, the more bereaved people feel about things not being right [but] the way that we’ve approached the show has always remained the same, so our tactics have never shifted.”

The final season of The Crown is focused on Princess Diana’s life after her divorce from Prince Charles, her untimely death, and her eldest son, Prince William, meeting his future wife Kate Middleton.

The Crown Season 6 Part 1 is now available to stream on Netflix. Part Two is set to premiere on December 14. You can catch up by reading more of our coverage below: