What happens to Black Noir in The Boys Season 3 finale?

Chris Tilly

Black Noir has been one of the most confusing and confounding characters across the first three seasons of The Boys. And his story took a shocking turn during the Season 3 finale. Just BEWARE OF THE BOYS SPOILERS AHEAD…

The Boys concluded on Amazon Prime today via a spectacular finale that saw heroes, villains, and those somewhere in between battling each other at Vought’s HQ.

Black Noir was nowhere to be seen during the climax of Season 3 however, due to what happened with Homelander earlier in the episode.

But we’re going to spoil that massive moment here, so if you haven’t had a chance to watch the episode yet, don’t scroll down!

SPOILER: Black Noir was killed at the hands of Homelander.

Who is Black Noir?

Black Noir is a silent assassin, former member of superhero team Payback, and current member of the super-powered Seven. A deadly ninja with incredible strength and agility as well as heightened senses, he’s also something of a mystery, due to the fact that he doesn’t speak.

But during the penultimate episode of Season 3, he became slightly less inscrutable, as we learned why he permanently wears a black mask. And that’s because Soldier Boy burned and beat him to a pulp during a fight in Nicaragua.

Following the break-up of Payback, Black Noir joins The Seven, and becomes Homelander’s right-hand ninja. But Soldier Boy’s return causes him to have something of a meltdown, with Noir hiding out in a pizza restaurant and confronting demons from his past. Via a bunch of cartoon characters.

Knowing what he has to do, Noir returns to Vought Tower to see Homelander, and holds up a note saying “SOLDIER BOY WILL COME WE KILL.”

Homelander reads those words, smiles, and says, “I knew you’d come back.”

What happens to Noir during the Season 3 finale?

Later that day Black Noir is busy sharpening his blade when Homelander enters the room and asks what Soldier Boy was like. “BAD” comes the written response. Homelander then reveals that Soldier Boy is his father, which was the thing he most needed when he was a kid. Noir simply writes, “MUST KILL HIM.”

“I’m not sure I want to,” says Homelander, who then goes into something of a monologue: “It’s funny, everyone thinks of you as this unreadable sphinx. A mystery. Not me. I see through that mask. I mean literally – I can see your face; your battle scars. The crooked old smile of yours. I know when you’re happy, sad, telling the truth. Did you know that I had a father out there, alive this whole time?”

Black Noir nods. Homelander cries and puts a hand on his shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asks, then punches into Black Noir’s stomach and pulls out his intestines.

As Black Noir bleeds out on the floor, Homelander states, “You should have told me.” And that’s the end for the silent assassin.

The Boys will return for a fourth season, without Black Noir.