Who is Paloma Diamond? TikTok actor explained

Jasmine Valentine
Two stills of Paloma Diamond

Sure, she’s been winning all the awards (not really), but who exactly is Paloma Diamond? Here’s everything you need to know about the TikTok actor.

Awards season 2024 is currently in full swing, with ceremonies such as the Golden Globes already passing us by. Amongst the excitement, a new face has been cropping up on social media.

If you’re a regular on X/Twitter or TikTok, you’re likely to have come across Paloma Diamond, best known for giving it some serious actor face while awaiting her fate at a phony Academy Awards.

But who exactly is Paloma Diamond and where did she come from? Here’s everything you need to know about the TikTok actor explained.

Who is Paloma Diamond? TikTok actor explained

Paloma Diamond – technically an Academy Award-worthy actress – is a character created by TikToker Julian Sewell.

Sewell’s beloved TikTok videos parody different categories and outcomes at awards ceremonies, with the character of Paloma taking off in particular. Known for a sense of smugness, Paloma is certainly a self-assured woman in “Hollywood.”

Speaking exclusively to Vulture, Sewell explained: “It’s funny because her character has kind of evolved a little bit. If you look at the original video, she starts out kind of smug, and she gives that little look. But people really love that. They were really pining for her! And then she kind of transitioned, and I tried to make her a little bit more of the Glenn Close/Meryl Streep kind of esteemed actress. I really played into that trope. And this past year has just been the year of Paloma Diamond!”

While the internet has quickly latched on to the hilarity of Paloma Diamond, Sewell has hinted that there is some deeper social commentary behind the scenes.

“If you really want to unpack it, it’s a social commentary on the pretension, the ostentatiousness, and the frivolity of Hollywood,” Sewell told Vulture. “I mean, if you really boil it down, what is the award for? It’s an award for acting. Yes, that’s a very legitimate award, but it’s not a Nobel Peace Prize. It’s not a Guinness World Record. It’s acting. It’s frivolous in a way. So it’s a complete p**s-take of Hollywood and putting that competition on a pedestal.”

Though Julian Sewell isn’t on X/Twitter, Paloma certainly is thanks to endless film memes – meaning we’re unlikely to see her going away anytime soon.

“And for all the people asking “Why didn’t the academy nominate Paloma Diamond?”—why didn’t you see her film more times? Why didn’t you tweet about it? Why didn’t you stream the song to get it nominated for Best Original Song??? This is all your fault. You failed her,” one such tweet reads.

Another added: “Funny how everyone who was up in arms over Barbie being snubbed was nowhere to be found during the violent robbery Paloma Diamond experienced when she lost to that amateur last year.”