Who is Tatiana Haas in 3 Body Problem?

Meera Jacka
Who is Tatiana Haas in 3 Body Problem

Throughout season 1 of Netflix’s 3 Body Problem, characters interact with a mysterious woman with ties to the San-Ti, but who exactly is Tatiana Haas?

Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are back and ready to redeem themselves after Game of Thrones‘ controversial finale, this time teaming up with Netflix to bring Liu Cixin’s sci-fi trilogy to life.

3 Body Problem‘s follows the Oxford Five — a group of brilliantly-minded friends who all once studied together — as they learn of an ominous alien race headed toward Earth called the San-Ti.

However, the San-Ti aren’t the only ones to look out for, with a mysterious woman appearing throughout the season seemingly tied to the aliens in some way. But who exactly is Tatiana Haas and what role does she play in 3 Body Problem?

It may go without saying, but obvious story spoilers for 3 Body Problem on Netflix from this point on. Do not continue reading if you want to experience the journey unspoiled.

Who is Tatiana Haas in 3 Body Problem?

Tatiana Haas is a follower of the 3 Body Problem — and therefore, the San-Ti.

Tatiana Haas
Tatiana first appears while offering Auggie a light for her cigarette.

Tatiana first appears in Episode 1, showing up out of seemingly thin air to offer Auggie Salazar (Eiza González) a light for her cigarette after the latter needed some fresh air.

To Auggie’s surprise, Tatiana reveals she knows all about the countdown and offers some cryptic advice; “Tomorrow, at midnight, at exactly midnight, go outside and look up at the sky. Has the universe ever winked at you?”

While this certainly attracts attention to Tatiana, when CCTV footage of the night is reviewed, she is nowhere to be seen. Her next appearance on the show isn’t any less mysterious, meeting with Jin Cheng (Jess Hong) and John Rooney (John Bradley) to help them understand the San-Ti’s motivations via a high-tech immersive video game.

Tatiana Haas meets with John and Jin
Tatiana welcomed Jin and John after they completed multiple levels of the San-Ti’s game.

However, when the pair learn that the San-Ti are on their way to Earth, John decides he no longer wants to participate in helping them or play the game.

This triggers a shocking turn of events that sees Tatiana show up inside his house and cut his throat, killing him. Once again though, there is no evidence of her existence on any of John’s many security cameras, and police officer Da Shi (Benedict Wong) couldn’t see the crime taking place despite keeping tabs on John’s house with binoculars.

It is ultimately revealed in Episode 4 that Tatiana is part of an organized group run by Ye Wenjie (Rosalind Chao). Resembling a religious cult, the group worships the San-Ti as their “Lord” and works toward preparing Earth for their arrival.

Tatiana reveals she has been a part of the San-Ti worshippers since she was “a little girl” and considers them her “family.” When the gathering is interrupted by law enforcement, it is Tatiana who fires the first shots, marking the start of the ensuing chaos.

Tatiana fires first round
Tatiana was the first to fire her gun after law enforcement interrupted the group’s gathering.

Escaping capture, Tatiana retreats home, offering viewers insight into her mysterious character in Episode 7. She is revealed to be living in a caravan trailer, which is where the San-Ti reach out to her next. They inform Tatiana that they are “not done speaking to [her],” and ask her to complete a task for them.

The task turns out to be killing Ye Wenjie, who was moments from committing suicide herself by jumping off a cliff. Tatiana urges her not to as the fall would be “horrible” and instead, Tatiana and Ye Wenjie “sit for a minute” to discuss the San-Ti and watch “one last sunset.”

Tatiana then completes her task by offering her former mentor a painless death; “I can give you something better. Something gentle. Something beautiful… You’ve done so much. You deserve a rest.”

Ye Wenjie and Tatiana
Tatiana and Ye Wenjie share one last conversation before the latter’s death.

With the San-Ti informing Tatiana that they “need” her and that she is “a part of something much larger than yourself,” viewers can likely expect her character to continue fulfilling the aliens’ wishes in any further seasons Netflix approves.

As a new character made purely for the show, Tatiana’s future role in the impending war remains as mysterious as she is.

3 Body Problem is now available to stream on Netflix. Read our review, find out more about the cast, whether you need to read the books before, and catch up with other amazing TV shows to stream this month.