Zack Snyder teases “full circle” Darkseid announcement

Cameron Frew
Zack Snyder and a still of Darkseid from Justice League

Zack Snyder has just shared a mysterious video teasing a “full circle” announcement from Darkseid, sparking fresh hopes for Snyderverse fans.

After Green Lantern flopped, the DCEU officially began with Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, Snyder’s epic, bombastic take on Superman.

Three years later, Snyder directed Batman v Superman, a sequel that’d be considered a disaster if it weren’t for the superior Ultimate Edition and “Josstice League”, the abysmal 2017 cut of his DC team-up that took four years to be rectified with Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

With James Gunn and Peter Safran primed to reboot the DCU after The Flash, the future of the Snyderverse seemed to be off the table – until now.

Zack Snyder sets date for “full circle” Darkseid announcement

Snyder shared a video to Twitter captioned with the #fullcircle hashtag. In the short 14-second clip, there’s some static, jumbled noise, and the text teases an “incoming transmission from Lord Darkseid.”

A narrator then says: “April 28th, 29th, and 30th. Save the date.”

What could it be? It might be the return of Snydercon, a fan convention aimed at raising money for charity while screening and discussing the director’s cuts of his movies.

The first SnyderCon took place between March 22-24 in 2019, with Snyder showing the director’s cuts of his Dawn of the Dead remake, Watchmen, and Batman v Superman.

One user predicted: “It’s SnyderCon, since it’s a three-day event. But for sure there’s gonna be a ZSJL showing.”

“Snydercon, he talks with fans about his previous and upcoming films. Im gonna guess there will also be a ZSJL screening since it never got to be in theaters,” another wrote.

“Apparently it’s for SnyderCon and it’d be so ungodly funny if he’s baiting people,” a third tweeted.

Of course, there are some who believe the Snyderverse may have been “saved.” Believe it or not, there’s still a vocal community of fans campaigning for Snyder’s full DC vision, with some hoping his version of the universe could be sold to Netflix under his new deal.

This is highly unlikely, given the DCU is now operating on a tight leash under Gunn and Safran. Nevertheless, do as Snyder says: save the date.

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