Asmongold calls on WoW Classic to help him with username to prevent scammers

James Busby
Asmongold streaming on Twitch

Popular Twitch streamer Asmongold has called for Blizzard to change the way it handles usernames in WoW classic to prevent scammers masquerading as streamers.

Having your desired in-game name taken in MMOs or other multiplayer games can be incredibly frustrating, especially when it comes to being a popular streamer. Not only does it provide content creators with a way to interact with their fans, but it also helps to distinguish them from the waves of imposters. 

However, for Asmongold, being able to use his own alias has proven incredibly difficult as he invariably encounters problems when playing MMOs like WoW. In fact, the issue has gotten so bad, that the content creator has called for Blizzard to make changes to the way the game handles usernames entirely. 

Asmongold calls for Blizzard to make WoW username changes

During his recent stream of World of Warcraft Classic Wrath of the Lich King expansion, Asmongold found that he couldn’t use his own name. In fact, the Twitch streamer discovered that all of his alternate in-game usernames had also been claimed, forcing him to adopt an entirely new alias. 

“Yeah, I’m not going to sit around and think about this sh*t for f*cking three hours,” explained the streamer. “I wish honestly, [Blizzard] would let me reserve one name,  because people do impersonate me, and they scam people pretending to be me.” 

Timestamp of 0:17

While it’s obviously a frustrating experience for any popular streamer playing multiplayer games, Asmongold dislikes that people can use his name to cause trouble. In fact, the content creator revealed that he’d rather have his name removed from the game entirely. 

“I wish Blizzard would make it to where you can’t have that name because that’s some bullsh*t. Like even if I didn’t get it, I’d rather than someone else get it and scam people.”

Whether the developers will implement a way for Asmongold to reserve his name in the future remains to be seen, but for now, it looks like he will need to continue coming up with brand new in-game names whenever he creates a new character.