Fresh WoW expansion leaks surface after mysterious posts

James Lynch
Alekstraza stands in Valdrakken in WoW (WoW expansion story)

With rumors that the next WoW expansion is supposedly being announced at Blizzcon, a series of mysterious clues has supposedly led to further leaks on what the next phase of the game will look like.

Leaks appearing online before the official announcement of a World of Warcraft expansion is a time-honored tradition at this point. One of the most notorious examples of this is the original Cataclysm expansion, which saw a full reveal days before the developer confirmed it.

With Blizzcon on the immediate horizon, the leaks mill has started up again, and eager fans now have two potential expansions to speculate on. Suspicions that Cataclysm Classic is on the immediate horizon remain rife, and the retail version of the game needs a boost after the relative disappointment of Dragonflight.

Now, a new set of leaks has emerged, and it tasked players with getting to the bottom of a series of riddles to uncover what they were.

The potential WoW expansion details emerged thanks to determined players

A user going by the pseudonym 97osol took to the MMO-Champion forums to post a series of riddles in binary code for players to try and unravel.

A screenshot of one of the clues posted by 97osol about the upcoming WoW expansion
Many of the clues were posted in binary code.

When translated, the messages alluded to different upcoming features that could play a part in the next expansion, with one saying: “Hello fellow robots. I return for your next riddle. Your world will be revamped, with your Earthen Artificer, but what system can you find in 64 72 61 67 6f 6e 62 6c 69 67 68 74”

By following the trail, dedicated forum users eventually came up with a series of features that 97osol contends will be in the upcoming WoW expansion. These include a new class in the Artificer, a role that has appeared for NPCs before. The complete list is as follows:

  • World Revamp
  • Earthen Playable Race
  • Artificer Class
  • N’Zoth and Xal will play a significant role
  • The removal of Transmogrification restrictions

The veracity of the rumors remains unclear with many desperate to claim they are plausible. Others are actively eschewing them, preferring instead to hold off for official confirmation. With Blizzcon set to start on Friday, November 3, players won’t have long to wait to find out.