IRL blacksmith suggests WoW Dragonflight changes for profession

Bill Cooney

A real-life blacksmith has suggested Blizzard make some interesting changes for the profession in WoW’s new Dragonflight expansion.

Professions are one way players can make regular money in World of Warcraft, and they’re also essential for crafting materials and ingredients for rare items as well.

This is especially true in Blacksmithing, which is essential to unlock some of the best weapons and armor in the game. However, one WoW player who’s also a blacksmith IRL has some ideas on how to change “Anvil Mastery” to something that would make more sense.

IRL Blacksmith wants changes to Anvil Mastery for Dragonflight

Posted to the WoW subreddit on July 31, player (and IRL blacksmith) Yetifunk223 explained why they think the “Anvil Mastery” Blacksmithing talent should be called “Hammer Control” instead.

“Hammer control is a term used in blacksmithing to basically describe the ability to deliver both precision and power when moving metal,” Yeti explained in the image. “While it is important to understand how to use every surface on an anvil, hammer technique is where it all begins.”

Even though it’s not the biggest change in the world, Yeti thinks that calling the talent “Forging Mastery” or “Hammer Mastery” would be more appropriate from an IRL Blacksmithing point of view.

Howling Fjord in Wrath of the Lich King
Whether Blizzard will take Yeti’s suggestion into consideration remains unknown.

While the alpha for WoW Dragonflight is currently live, there are still several months left until the expansion officially drops.

That leaves plenty of time for devs to implement Yeti’s simple suggestion, but whether they will or not remains unknown, at least for now.