Solo Leveling: Why didn’t Sung Jinwoo enter the castle in Episode 7?

Anthony McGlynn
Sung Jinwoo in Solo Leveling episode 7

Solo Leveling Episode 7 contains one of the most intense battles yet as Sung Jinwoo faces Cerberus. Afterwards, he makes a decision that may seem unexpected.

Solo Leveling has wasted little time getting into more intense confrontations. Sung Jinwoo, the protagonist of the hit anime, has been making himself very powerful through training and dungeons, leading to Episode 7’s fight against the Hell’s Gatekeeper Cerberus.

It’s a gorgeous, thrilling showdown that exemplifies the kind of dungeon raider Sung Jinwoo is becoming. Unlike who he was at the start, he’s now much braver and more stunning, with a growing set of skills that make him a nightmare for any boss or high level target. But then, why didn’t he choose to go further?

There’s a good answer to that — but be warned, spoilers ahead!

Why didn’t Sung Jinwoo raid the Demon’s Castle after defeating Cerberus?

Sung Jinwoo decided not to attack the Demon’s Castle right away because he doesn’t think he’s strong enough yet, based on the fight with Cerberus. He barely survived that battle, losing an arm and having to take a potion mid-skirmish.

He knows that if he went straight for the dungeon — a multi-floored nightmare containing untold terrors — he’d lose, and quick. He’s already tired from fighting Cerberus, and has no weapons to hand. It’s much smarter to regroup and come back when he’s fitter and well-stocked in his inventory.

This is in contrast to the Solo Leveling manhwa, where Sung Jinwoo fights Cerberus in Chapter 28, before moving straight onto the castle in Chapter 29. However, the Cerberus fight is a shorter affair that doesn’t take as much out of him.

A-1 Pictures saw fit to make it all a much greater test of our hero, and the result is considerably more character-driven. Seeing Sung Jinwoo come within striking distance of his goal, the three ingredients for the Elixir of Life to cure his mother, but decide against it for now shows real self-awareness. He knows he has to get this right, and he understands the value of long term strategizing.

Once he gets to that castle, we can expect all hell to break loose. While we wait to see what happens, get the lowdown on Demon Slayer Season 4 and have a look at our list of the best anime like Solo Leveling.