Solo Leveling voice actor speaks up against threats over Episode 12

Anamika Das
Sung Jinwoo and Igris

Solo Leveling voice actor Aleks Le is finally speaking up against the threatening comments from fans over Episode 12.

Solo Leveling enjoyed massive success over its first season, with a second confirmed before it had even finished. The season finale, Episode 12, was particularly well-received by fans. However, some fans seemed to have been so nervous or a little too excited about a particular scene in Episode 12 that they sent threatening comments to the protagonist’s voice actor.

Aleks Le, a renowned voice actor who voices Sung Jinwoo in the English-language version, recently spoke out against the threat comments on his TikTok account. The voice actor revealed how he got thousands of threatening messages from Solo Leveling viewers, bullying him to do the “arise” scene “correctly”. He also showed some of the actual comments sent by fans and expressed his feeling about this matter.

Le clarified that while he understood the sentiment of fans behind the famous “Arise” scene, sending the voice actor threats is not the way to go about it. He was nervous about the highly anticipated scene too. The comments directed towards Le were hurtful and offensive which is why he saw it prudent to publicly speak up against it.

In the video, the voice actor also jokingly said that if viewers kept sending him such offensive comments, he’d change the “arise” line to something different, like “wakey wakey”, “get up buddy”, and “it’s time for school”. 

Le made the video two weeks before Episode 12 which makes it clear how long some viewers have been terrorizing him on the internet. He asked fans not to overhype themselves and enjoy the anime the way it should be. Le also revealed how he coughed up blood in the next morning after dubbing for Episode 11.

Despite the unsavory actions from one section of the Solo Leveling fandom, another section supports the voice actor.