Tower of God Season 2: Release window, trailer, plot, and more

Anthony McGlynn
Tower of God Season 2

Tower of God Season 2 one of the most highly anticipated anime releases of the year, bringing us back to the Twenty-Fifth Bam, and the eponymous tower he was trying to conquer.

In 2020, Tower of God became one of the best anime shows of the decade pretty quickly, through Bam and Rachel’s journey within the mysterious tower he’s been trapped in. Since the season concluded, we’ve been eagerly awaiting more of Telecom’s version of SIU’s iconic manga.

Finally, we’re in the home stretch. Tower of God Season 2 appears to be just around the corner, joining Demon Slayer Season 4 and My Hero Academia Season 7 for a bumper year. Thankfully, we’ve had a gradual drip of teases over the last few years make it clear that this production was coming together. Now, we just await our return to the tower, and hopefully a few answers along the way.

Tower of God Season 2 premiere window

Tower of God Season 2 will premiere in July 2024. This was revealed back in November 2023, and so far there have been no delays.

New episodes have been in production since 2020, so fans have been waiting a few years at this point. We’re still waiting for an exact date, but the month is a very specific window all the same.

Tower of God Season 2 Trailer

The first trailer for Tower of God Season 2 came out way back in August 2022. This contains nearly two minutes of new footage, setting up Twenty-Fifth Bam’s next ordeal with Rachel.

In February 2024, we got another teaser, introduced by Taichi Ichikawa, Bam’s voice actor, at IGN Fan Fest. This contains 15 seconds of clips, but Taichi confirms some details regarding the story, such as a timejump, and that it’s adapting the Return of the Prince arc.

Tower of God Season 2 Plot

Tower of God Season 2 will cover the Return of the Prince arc from the manga. This is set six years after the conclusion of the first season, and follows a new protagonist, Ja Wangnan, another young man with plans to conquer the tower.

Bam and Rachel are still around, they’re just not as prominent. Another mysterious hero, Jyu Viole Grace, is present too – no spoilers here, but everyone’s destinies are intertwined than they think.

Is Tower of God Season 2 On Crunchyroll?

Yes, when Tower of God Season 2 comes out, it’ll be on Crunchyroll. This is the same service as the first season, and as the biggest dedicated purveyor of anime, it’s always a sure bet.

If you’d like some viewing recommendations while we wait, check out our lists of the best anime like Solo Leveling and the best anime like Demon Slayer.