What time is Yu Yu Hakusho live-action out?

Aparna Ukil
Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho live-action

Is the upcoming Netflix live-action as good as One Piece? Well, we do not have to wait longer to know about it.

The anime live-action projects had a bad reputation on Netflix until One Piece‘s arrival. That’s also one of the reasons why the community is dying to see if Yu Yu Hakusho’s live-action would be able to maintain the same standard. However, it is too early to pass any judgment about the upcoming Japanese drama series.

Coming from the brains of Hunter X Hunter’s author, Yu Yu Hakusho is a supernatural-themed series that received its first anime adaptation in 1992. It was produced by Studio Pierrot, the animation house that gave the industry some masterpieces like Naruto, Bleach, and Tokyo Ghoul.

Even though the anime adaptation remained underrated, it has gathered a cult following that wishes to see Yu Yu Hakusho live-action create history.

Yu Yu Hakusho live-action: Release date and time

Yu Yu Hakusho’s live-action will be released on Netflix on Thursday, December 14, 2023, at 12:00am PT. International fans must follow the below time schedule to get hold of the series in their regions:

  • 12:00am PDT
  • 2:00am CST
  • 3:00am EST
  • 8:00am BST
  • 9:00am European Time
  • 1:30pm IST

What is Yu Yu Hakusho about?

Yu Yu Hakusho’s narrative follows a Junior high-school delinquent, Urameshi Yusuke, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he gets crushed by a car while saving a boy. After dying, he learns that he is not allowed to enter either hell or heaven. Soon, he comes across Koenma, who holds the authority to make decisions about Urameshi’s fate.

Koenma resurrects Urameshi as a strong investigator of the supernatural. He also gets new powers and abilities that make him an invincible human. Urameshi is accompanied by the swordsman Hiei and the fox demon Kurama in every mission.

Like the original anime series, Yu Yu Hakusho Live Action might stay underrated. That’s because, unlike One Piece Live Action, the live-action adaptation of Yu Yu Hakusho lacks good marketing. Apart from some posters and two trailers, Netflix didn’t try anything else to promote the upcoming series. Regardless, fans who’ve watched the trailers are indeed intrigued and will definitely watch the series once it arrives on the platform.

You can check out our other anime coverage here.

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