Apex Legends players blast Season 17’s “absolutely awful” solo queue experience

Philip Trahan
Wraith Apex Legends

Apex Legends players are not happy with the “absolutely awful” solo queue experience in Ranked throughout Season 17 and aren’t optimistic for next season.

Plenty of Apex Legends fans who have been grinding through the Season 17 Ranked mode have not been having the most fun experience, with many complaining about the current rank distribution system and more.

Unfortunately, it seems developer Respawn isn’t keen on reverting the new Ranked changes in Season 18, leaving some worried about the future of Apex Legends.

Now, players are once again voicing their frustrations at Season 17’s “absolutely awful” Ranked experience — this time taking aim at the solo queue experience overall.

Apex Legends players slam Season 17 solo queue experience

A post on the Apex Legends subreddit sparked a discussion among the community after a player made a post titled, “Solo Q brothers and sisters, I feel for y’all this season.”

The OP explained that the solo queue grind felt “absolutely awful this season” thanks to an alleged variation in player skill and rank distribution.

“In Masters lobbies I have teammates that play like straight up Bronzes or Silvers… Before this terrible Ranked change was made, at least you had mostly competent teammates (sometimes) in Plat and higher lobbies.” They ended the post by hoping that Season 18 would bring changes.

As mentioned above, Respawn doesn’t seem interested in reverting Ranked back to how it was before Season 17, which some commenters pointed out.

Other players shared their experience solo queueing Ranked this season, with many saying they just felt underwhelmed overall. “Yep, [hit] Masters maybe like 2-3 weeks ago and it was terrible. Couldn’t tell you exactly how often, but it legit felt like every other game my teammates flew to a rat spot on the map.” Why play the game if you’re not actually going to PLAY the game. “

While Respawn has confirmed the team is looking to solve Season 17’s ratting problem, the team is more looking to iterate on new changes rather than go backward. Hopefully, those iterations prove positive for Season 18’s solo queue experience too.