Cloud9 reveal competitive Apex Legends roster

David Purcell

American esports organization Apex Legends with a new competitive four-man roster. 

Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale game has surged in popularity with both the streaming and competitive gaming communities after its shock February 4 release. 

Since that day, more and more tournaments have been announced for the free-to-play title and  League of Legends, Rocket League, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and others, announced their extension to Respawn’s game on Twitter. 

  • Read More: PUBG

    Cloud9 also put together a promotional video for the announcement of the new team, which will give fans – that may have never seen them play before – a glimpse of their play style. 

    Cloud9 is just the latest major esports organizations to make a move into the world of Apex Legends and we expect more will be announced in the near future. 

    We’ll keep you updated as and when announcements are made. 

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About The Author

David is a former Managing Editor on and now works as the Head of Editorial Growth across the network. You can contact him via email: