Baldur’s Gate 3 player reveals incredible fitness journey inspired by their playthrough

Rory Teale
an image of Karlach in Baldurs Gate 3

One Baldur’s Gate 3 player shared how the 300 hours she put into the game changed her life for the better and inspired her fitness journey.

Video game franchises have featured some seriously iconic buff and in-shape characters throughout the years. Characters like Ryu from Street Fighter with huge biceps and bulging forearms, or the shredded bear-like physique of Kratos.

Gaming is often seen by some parts of wider society, particularly the older generations as a bad influence, but one Baldur’s Gate 3 fan shared how the games fit and in-shape characters, like Karlach, helped her turn her life around.

Baldur’s Gate 3 inspired one player’s amazing fitness change

She shared a photo of the amazing progress she had made from working out and flexing toned arms and pointed out that the change was all inspired by the physiqued from Larian Studios’ latest release.

“When I was at my lowest I played 300 hours of Baldur’s Gate 3 in a month,” shared Reb. But Larian Studios’ fantastic character models and design also managed to help her get out of her lowest point.

Then decided to work out so I could be like my fav characters,” Reb continued. “since then I’ve lost over 15 lbs and have visible muscles so uhh I guess the moral of the story is video games good actually”.

The rest of the community applauded her journey, and praised her determination – and also agreed how fantastic Baldur’s Gate 3 was. “This f**kin rules. You are a queen and I hope you have a great weekend! (BG3 is GOATed)” said one person.

Baldur’s Gate 3 isn’t the only new release with inspiring, admirable character designs. Tekken 8 released with some ripped characters, and also a crazy customization option to alter characters to your liking.