Unfortunate Baldur’s Gate 3 player explains the dangers of Alt-Tabbing in Honor Mode

James Lynch
The Zhentarim Hideout in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3’s Honor Mode is the most challenging that the game has to offer, and one particularly unfortunate player has found out the hard way just how easy it is for a successful run to come crashing down.

For those who don’t know, Honor Mode changes several things about the base version of Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s essentially a difficulty modifier that makes bosses more difficult to kill, limits players to a single save file and adds permadeath when player’s suffer a Total Party Kill.

In a post on Reddit, one player was cruising through an Honor Mode run before arriving in the Zhentarim Hideout. In a particularly devastating decision, they Alt-Tabbed out of the game, and the Zhent mistook that for the player attempting to steal their belongings.

After accepting that combat was inevitable, the player then implemented the bold strategy of throwing Alchemist’s Fire, which in turn triggered the Smokepowder barrels that litter the area. This sealed the fate of the group, blowing them to relative smithereens in a devastating end to the campaign.

Other players shared their own stories of misadventure in Faerun. One said: “My last failed run, I had Ethel to the point of giving me the hair, and I did something (probably tabbed), and she went back into combat instead of reward. Summoned more Ethels and killed off my last two.”

Another added: “My condolences bud. I had an HM run wipe at the Zhents as well. Fun fact, if you have a torch equipped, random oil surfaces will ignite. Less fun fact, it still happens if you’re in Wild Shape.”

Though this is undoubtedly sad, there’s little denying its part of the appeal of the game. With thousands still playing every day, these stories will likely continue to crop up to the amusement of the community.